Wild animals have no place in the 21st century, so protecting them is a waste of resources. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Ielts nhung tran – ielts writing sampleWild animals
Đề thi IELTS Writing Task 2

It is believed by some that there is no place for wild animals in the 21st century and that conserving and preserving these species is pointless/ worthless. I totally disagree with this statement because every creature on this planet is interdependent so the mass extinction of wild animals will lead to the destruction of humankind.

First, the loss of wild animals is often associated with the loss of their natural habitat. As more and more rainforests are being cut down to make way for urban areas, agriculture land, or factories, we are also destroying the lung of the Earth that keeps our air clean and regulates the global climate. As a result, we have already and will be faced with more severe weather conditions such as prolonged drought and more frequent natural disasters such as storms and tsunamis with higher intensity, which threatens lives on earth and the livelihood of human beings.

Second, when biodiversity is interrupted or destroyed, humans are also at risk of extinction. This is because the majority of crops that we feed on rely on wild animals to develop. For example, bees help to pollinate a third of the world’s plants, and many vegetations need insects and birds to disperse their seeds. The disappearance of wild animals will render the plants unable to reproduce, leading to potential starvation. Clearly, every species needs to rely upon each other for survival and when those in the wild die out, humans, as the last ones standing, will also have to suffer as a consequence.

In conclusion, the existence of wild animals is closely linked with that of mankind and I believe that if human beings are to thrive, we need to protect wild animals at all cost.

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