WRITING được khá nhiều thí sinh đánh giá là phần thi khó nhằn nhất trong kỳ thi lấy chứng chỉ IELTS. Để “bất bại” trong bài thi Viết, bạn không chỉ cần có vốn từ rộng. Mà còn phải biết cách diễn đạt sao cho trôi chảy, mạch lạc nhất.

Nhằm giúp các sĩ tử có thể trau dồi thêm nhiều kinh nghiệm cũng như được tham khảo thêm các dạng đề thi Writing. IELTS Nhung Tran đã miệt mài tổng hợp hướng dẫn cụ thể. Và các bài mẫu chất lượng đến từ cô Trần Hồng Nhung – 8,5 IELTS để gửi đến các bạn.

Nhớ tham khảo ngay và đừng quên ôn luyện thật tốt để đạt được band điểm mong muốn nhé!


Đề bài minh họa

Bài mẫu:

The table compares different sources of financial support for the police force in a particular area in the UK in the years 2017 and 2018, and the pie charts illustrate how this budget was allocated to three segments.

Overall, what stands out from the table is that there was an upward trend in the total amount of money that the police received over the period with the states being their primary funder. Another significant feature that we can see from the pie charts is that the amount of money spent on technology increased significantly, whereas that on facilities stayed unchanged. Furthermore, despite having a downward trend, salaries for officers and staff still accounted for the vast majority of the total police budget in both years.

Regarding the total budget of the police, it went up considerably from $304.7 to $318.6m between 2017 and 2018. Similarly, the money generated from local taxes grew significantly from $91.2m to 102.3m after two years. A much slighter rise was seen in the amount of money that came from national government and other sources, climbing from $175.5m to $177.8 and from $38m to $38.5m, respectively.

As for the distribution of the budget, three quarters went to salaries in 2017, decreasing slightly to 69% one year later. While the proportion of money spent on technology stood at 17% in both years, that on building and transport nearly doubled from 8% to 14% over the given period.

[240 words – written by Nhung Tran]

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