It is inevitable that traditional cultures will be lost as technology develops. Technology and traditional cultures are incompatible. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this view?

Ielts nhung tran – ielts writing sample traditional cultures
Đề thi IELTS Writing Task 2

It is believed by some that the advances in technology will inevitably lead to the disappearance of traditional values and that these two areas clash and cannot exist together. I partly agree with this statement because while some traditional cultures are lost as technology thrives, others remain intact and are still embraced by many people.

On the one hand, technological development has resulted in the loss of some traditional customs. For example, in pre-industrial Vietnam, people used to live together in villages and they know their community very well. These people had a strong sense of identity due to their shared customs and beliefs. Nevertheless, as developments in communication, transportation, and manufacturing took place, many people decided to migrate to the city in search of a better life and settle there permanently. These days, many children of these migrants no longer know the community in their hometown, even neighbours and relatives can feel indifferent to each other.

On the other hand, there are still major traditional cultures that are kept unchanged over thousands of years. Take the New Year’s Eve as a prime example. The end of the year is the time when millions of people around the world look forwards to coming back home to see their families and relatives and to gather together to celebrate the upcoming of another year. Be it the rich or the poor, the young or the old, the universal goal seems to be the uniting of family members, and such a tradition has existed for a long time. Even those who are thousands of miles away from their hometown and cannot make it on the New Year’s Eve would use technology such as video calls or social networking sites to connect with their loved ones. Therefore, it seems clear that in some cases, technology can even facilitate and support the preservation of traditional cultures.

In conclusion, while many traditional ways of life have been lost as a result of advances in technology, others seem to survive and even flourish.

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